File of Life | Medical ID | HNJH
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File of Life
File of Life

File of Life Medical Identification Program

It’s quick. It’s easy. It may help save your life.

The File of Life medical identification program is designed to provide emergency personnel with the information they need to treat individuals when the patient may not be able to provide the information in a medical emergency. 

Participating in the program is simple.  Interested individuals pick up a File of Life packet (available at HNJH), complete a medical information card (provided), place the medical information in the magnetic file envelope (shown here) and stick it on their refrigerator door. Also provided are two self-adhesive File of Life labels to be placed on the home’s front and back doors, to alert emergency personnel to your participation in the File of Life program. Emergency personnel know to retrieve the information from your refrigerator door and provide it to hospital personnel.

In homes where two or more people reside, an individual File of Life should be completed for each person.

The information contained in the file includes the patient’s name, emergency medical contacts, medications and dosages, allergies, recent surgeries, doctor’s name, and any medical conditions.

While the use of the File was originally designed for people living alone, handicapped persons, senior citizens, or anyone with special medical conditions or needs, it is a good idea for anyone. Take some time and do something important for yourself and your family.

File of Life packets are available at no charge through Helen Newberry Joy Hospital & Healthcare Center and may be picked up at the Information Desk located at the main Hospital entrance.

Remember, too, even if you already have a File, circumstances, and conditions change. Please check to ensure that your File of Life information is current.

If you have questions or need new information cards, please contact HNJH Patient Advocate at 906.293.9223.